The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic did not spare the Duke of Cambridge and heir to the royal crown, Prince William. The Duke of Cambridge chose not to disclose his period of convalescence from the disease, which occurred in April. This was the period of greatest turbulence in the United Kingdom, when the highest rates of daily infections were recorded.

Queen Elizabeth II’s speech that sought to reassure and motivate the population about the COVID-19 pandemic occurred a few days before Prince William was infected with the coronavirus. At the same time, Prince Charles and Prime Minister Boris Johson were diagnosed with the disease.

The period of convalescence from the illness of the Prince of Wales, Charles Philip Arthur George until his full recovery was two weeks. Charles opted for self-isolation and the restoration of his full health was relatively smooth, without any setbacks.

However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s state of health worsened and generated great concern among the UK’s top officials. Johnson was admitted to the ICU for three days and after staying for a week in the hospital, he fully recovered from the virus infection.

Prince William analyzed that a disclosure that the first two heirs in the line of succession to the royal throne were infected with the coronavirus could lead to widespread panic in the population, disrupting the United Kingdom’s effort to contain and eradicate the pandemic.

Prime Minister Boris Johson decided it was necessary for England to go through a second lockdown. The blockade will take place from November 5 to December 2, 2020.

The increase in the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus alarmed health authorities and the prime minister decided to opt for the most radical and drastic measure, to contain the advance of the pandemic.

Many companies will be forced to remain closed during this period. Most indoor entertainment activities are prohibited. Bars and restaurants can work, exclusively for home deliveries. All companies in the aesthetics and personal care sector are required to close.

England’s economic activity, which is already weakened, will suffer yet another blow with the cooling of sales in trade and industrial activity.

The service sector will be heavily affected. People will not be able to leave their homes, except to buy basic products in supermarkets and pharmacies.

Prime Minister Boris Johson is likely to erode his image and record political damage that could affect his popularity.

The economic slowdown and the high unemployment rate make the population impatient and less public collaboration is expected in this new lockdown.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic is also advancing in Europe’s biggest economies. France, Germany, Spain and Italy have also adopted new measures that aim to increase social distance. European gross domestic product, which grew by 12%, from July to September will once again be negatively impacted.

However, governments and the population are better prepared to react to the new expansion of the COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic and the damage to economic activity can be mitigated and controlled, pending the launch of a vaccine that can eradicate the spread of the virus.