Melania Trump is known for her discretion and aversion to characterization. She made her first speech, in more than three years, since taking over as America’s first lady at the Republican convention to launch Donald Trump’s candidacy for re-election in the White House.
But Melania Trump is now more talkative and uninhibited with the public and the press. In a speech in Pennsylvania, Melania delivered her biggest attack on Joe Biden.
It was a political manifestation, absolutely unusual for the pattern of behavior, of the first lady of the United States. Melania Trump said that Joe Biden is a socialist.

US.LUXURY thinks this was the first time in history that someone called old Joe Biden a socialist. Senator Bernie Sanders was commonly labeled a socialist in attacks by his detractors.
Melania Trump accused the media of stimulating against her palatial intrigues and idle gossip, surprisingly raising the tone of her voice, usually calm.
Melania also made a veiled criticism of President Donald Trump: “I don’t always agree the way he says things, but it is important to him that he speaks directly to the people he serves”.
But the central focus of the first lady’s criticisms was on Democrats: “‘Let us also not forget what the democrats chose to focus on when COVID-19 first came into our country. While the President was taking decisive actions to keep the American people safe, the democrats were wasting American tax-payer dollars in a sham impeachment. They cared more about removing our elected president. Meanwhile, I watched Donald continue to work hard to keep people informed and calm, to protect our economy, and make hard and unpopular decisions to do all he could to keep us all safe”.
Melania continued with her criticisms of the Democrats: “Joe Biden attacked President Trump’s decision to put the American people first and closing travel from China. He called it ‘Xenophobic hysteria’. Now he suggests that he could have done a better job. Well, the American people can look at Joe Biden’s 36 years in congress and eight years in the Vice Presidency and determine whether they think he’ll finally be able to get something done for the American people”.
US.LUXURY reckons that, after this surprising and inflamed speech, the first lady of the United States may have a promising political future, if Melania so wishes. She would immediately inherit a support base from President Donald Trump, for obvious reasons.
US.LUXURY does not know if Melania has a natural talent for politics or if her improvement for public life comes from a certain professor who inhabits the White House: President Donald Trump himself.