Andrew Mark Cuomo retaliates against Donald Trump with strong criticism and says that the population of New York will receive the vaccine as soon as it is approved.
Donald Trump said New York would not receive the vaccine because it would be politically bad for Andrew Mark Cuomo.
The president added that the Democratic Governor of New York does not trust where the vaccine comes from. And New Yorkers would waste time fighting the disease with Cuomo’s political procrastination.

Andrew Mark Cuomo retaliated against Donald Trump with strong criticism and said that the population of New York will receive the vaccine once it is approved.
The New York Governor made many comments in counterattack to the statements made by Donald Trump. Cuomo emphasized that the President takes political criticism personally and tries to be vindictive with his opponents:
“The president lost New York state in the election by a huge margin. You have New York prosecutors who are investigating the president for tax fraud. This is his issue. It’s his credibility issue. It’s the fear that he politicized the health process of this nation, which is a well-founded fear”. Commented Cuomo.
Added the Governor: “Who’s going to put a needle in their arm if you don’t trust the approval process of the vaccine? We are ready to distribute it. The only problem could be if a scientific panel from my state or one of the other states reviewed the FDA approval process and said something was wrong.”
“Everything is personal with this president. There can’t be a disagreement on principle, and he retaliates. He uses the government as a retaliatory tool. That’s what he does”. Finished Andrew Mark Cuomo.

Former US National Security Adviser John Robert Bolton demands that Republicans accept that Joe Biden won the election and that he have access to intelligence reports.
Bolton suggests that Republicans who disagree with President Donald Trump will not have their political careers threatened.

John Robert Bolton scoffed at Trump’s claims that the election was rigged: “The arguments that Trump and his campaign are making on the conspiracy to deny him reelection is this conspiracy is so vast and so successful, that apparently there’s no evidence of it”.

The Director of the Office of Trade and Manufacturing Policy, Peter Navarro said that there is no doubt that Donald Trump won the presidential election and projects a second term for the President. Navarro is a close and loyal aide to Donald Trump.
Peter Kent Navarro defends the narrative that the presidential election was rigged, corroborating the allegations Donald Trump made in questioning the fairness of the vote count. The President has also said many times that illegitimate votes have been counted.

Peter Navarro explained why he believes in fraud in the election for President of the United States: “I think it’s really important before people’s heads explode here to understand that what we seek here is verifiable ballots, certifiable ballots and an investigation into what are growing numbers of allegations of fraud under signed affidavits by witnesses. My own view looking at this election, we have, what appears in some sense to be, an immaculate deception”.
Navarro described the scope of the investigation into electoral fraud advocated by lawyers for the Republican campaign: “But if you look statistically at what happened, clearly the president won this election and was leading on Election Day, and then after Election Day somehow in these key battleground state they got just enough votes to catch up to the president. That’s kind of what is being investigated”.

Donald Trump sacked Defense Secretary Mark Esper. The President was dissatisfied with the Secretary’s work. Mark Esper was an Army Green Beret and commonly demonstrated functional autonomy, not following Trump’s requests.
The President was very upset when Mark Esper expressed his opinion that he was against using army military personnel to contain the social protests that swept large American cities before the election.
Christopher Charles Miller will be the new Defense Secretary. Miller was also an Army Green Beret and specializes in counterterrorism. Miller was previously a counterterrorism adviser on the National Security Council.

Donald Trump made a point of praising Miller in a Twitter post. Trump expressed irony in thanking Mark Esper for his work and at the same time announcing that he was fired:
“I am pleased to announce that Christopher C. Miller, the highly respected Director of the National Counterterrorism Center (unanimously confirmed by the Senate), will be Acting Secretary of Defense, effective immediately. Chris will do a GREAT job! Mark Esper has been terminated. I would like to thank him for his service”. Said Donald Trump.

Joe Biden chose Ronald Klain, aka Ron Klain to be his White House chief of staff. Klain was born in Indiana and is a lawyer trained at Harvard Law School. Previously, he earned a Bachelor of Arts degree from Georgetown University. Klain is married to environmental activist and lawyer Monica Medina.
Ronald Klain has been around the political corridors of Washington with great ease for several decades. This is something that Biden and Klain have in common. He served as chief of staff to Vice President Albert Arnold Gore Jr and subsequently was also chief of staff to Joe Biden himself under Barack Obama.
Ron Klain’s long career in Washington enabled him to gain experience to work in political marketing. Klain worked on preparing several Democratic candidates for the election race, including Albert Arnold Gore Jr, Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Klain acted in managing the fight against the Ebola epidemic that threatened the world, during the Obama administration. Biden is betting that this experience accumulated previously by Ron Klain enables him to work on the elaboration of public health strategies that aim to combat the COVID-19 coronavirus epidemic.
Joe Biden justified Ronald Klain’s choice in a brief statement: “His deep, varied experience and capacity to work with people all across the political spectrum is precisely what I need in a White House chief of staff as we confront this moment of crisis and bring our country together again”.
Joe Biden was singled out by the media as the winner of the presidential election, even though there is still no electoral certification in any of the 50 states. This is the tradition that the media has exercised informally in the United States of America. Each state has its own legislation that regulates a deadline for the conclusion of the vote count and the subsequent electoral certification of the winner.

State Secretary Mike Pompeo surprised and left Democrats heartbroken by declaring in conversation with journalists that he “expects a smooth transition to a second Donald Trump administration”.
Joe Biden was singled out by the media as the winner of the presidential election, even though there is still no electoral certification in any of the 50 states. This is the tradition that the media has exercised informally in the United States of America. Each state has its own legislation that regulates a deadline for the conclusion of the vote count and the subsequent electoral certification of the winner.
Pompeo is President Donald Trump’s most faithful and disciplined subordinate and has maintained that tradition by claiming that “after the electoral process is completed, there will be selected voters. There is a process. The Constitution sets it out very clearly.”

Mike Pompeo stated categorically and emphatically about the need and the importance of building an electoral process that transmits confidence and credibility to the population: “I’m very confident that we will count — and we must count — every legal vote. We must make sure that any vote that wasn’t lawful ought not be counted. That dilutes your vote if it’s done improperly. We got to get that right. And when we get it right, we’ll get it right.”
The Secretary of State also referred to the votes of Americans who live and work outside the United States: “We want every one of those votes to be counted in the same way that we have every expectation that every vote here in the United States will be counted, too. It is totally appropriate. The United States has an election system that is laid out deeply in our Constitution, and we’re going to make sure that we get that right”.
President Donald Trump insists that there has been widespread electoral fraud. Republicans enlisted a group of lawyers specializing in electoral legislation to challenge the vote count in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona.

Joe Biden was singled out by the media as the winner of the presidential election, even though there is still no electoral certification in any of the 50 states. This is the tradition that the media has exercised informally in the United States of America. Each state has its own legislation that regulates a deadline for the conclusion of the vote count and the subsequent electoral certification of the winner.
President Donald Trump insists that there has been widespread electoral fraud. Republicans enlisted a group of lawyers specializing in electoral legislation to challenge the vote count in Pennsylvania, Michigan, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona.

This is a legal adventure that is just beginning.
Joe Biden raised the intensity of his criticism of President Donald Trump. At a news conference Biden says that Donald Trump’s reluctance to acknowledge the election result pointed out by the media is a shame and that this attitude will tarnish his legacy.
Joe Biden scoffed at the fact that Donald Trump was reluctant to acknowledge the election result pointed out by the media: “The fact that they are not willing to acknowledge that we have won at this point is not very important in our planning and in what we can do until January”.
Biden added on the success he obtained in electoral recognition expressed by political leaders from other nations: “I know from my discussions with foreign leaders, thus far, that they are hopeful that the United States’ democratic institutions are viewed once again as being strong and enduring”.

William Pelham Barr, United States Attorney General has never disappointed President Donald Trump. In yet another demonstration that Donald Trump was successful in choosing Barr for the position of Attorney General, he authorized federal prosecutors to investigate possible fraud in the presidential election.
The authorization granted by William Pelham Barr for the investigations to be opened is atypical because the electoral investigations, in previous years, were conducted after the final counting of the votes was closed.
And Barr allows for due diligence and interviews to be conducted even though the vote count is still in progress.

The Attorney General’s decision sparked skepticism and some concerns among Democrats. The main media outlets unofficially reported that Joe Biden is the winner of the presidential election.
Donald Trump refuted from the first moment that Joe Biden was the victor and promised to start a belligerent legal battle, over the allegation of widespread electoral fraud, in the mail vote.
William Pelham Barr guided Federal Prosecutors to act sparingly and made a few caveats: “May be conducted if there are clear and apparently-credible allegations of irregularities that, if true, could potentially impact the outcome of a federal election in an individual State.”
William Barr added: “While it is imperative that credible allegations be addressed in a timely and effective manner, it is equally imperative that Department personnel exercise appropriate caution and maintain the Department’s absolute commitment to fairness, neutrality and non-partisanship”.

Pharmaceutical laboratory Pfizer made a surprising announcement of a vaccine against the coronavirus epidemic COVID-19, with a 90% effectiveness. The United States government signed a contract to supply 100 million doses of the vaccine, which will cost $1.95 billion.
Pfizer works with the company BioNTech SE to develop the vaccine. The billionaire contract signed with pharmaceutical companies guarantees the United States to be the first country to have a large-scale immunization of its population.

The announcement of the vaccine and the consequent immunization of the population dramatically changes the scenario for the United States economy. The country will have a large-scale economic recovery, with positive effects on the generation of jobs and the population’s income.
The stock markets anticipate the expectation of an economic recovery with a sharp rise in stocks. The Dow Jones approaches the 30,000-point mark, reaching the intraday high of 29933.83 points.

During the election campaign, Ilhan Omar was the target of great criticism from Donald Trump. President Trump has openly urged the people of Minnesota not to re-elect Ilhan Omar. She has often claimed to be a victim of xenophobia on the part of Donald Trump.
In congratulating Joe Biden on his electoral victory, Ilhan Abdullahi Omar made his strongest criticism of President Donald Trump: “Congratulations to Joe Biden and Kamala Harris on your historic win. We have not only voted out the most corrupt, dangerous president in modern history but have the opportunity to carry out the most progressive agenda our country has ever seen. Let’s get to work”.
The other women representing the squad also congratulated Joe Biden, using Twitter.Ayanna Pressley said: “It’s official! Congratulations President Elect Joe Biden & Vice President Elect Kamala Harris. You have made history and now, together, we’re ready to make change.”
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez expressing joy declared: “Congratulations to President-elect Joe Biden & Vice President-elect Kamala Harris”.

Joe Biden won in Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin and exceeded the 270 Electoral College votes required to be elected president, obtaining more than 74 million votes.
Joe Biden was Vice President of Barack Obama for two terms and spent 36 years in the Senate. And he had already tried to win the presidency of the United States on two other occasions. In 1988 and 2008.
Biden made his first speech after being elected 46th President of the United States Of America in Wilmington, Delaware:

“The people of this nation have spoken. They delivered us a clear victory. A convincing victory. A victory for we the people. The most votes ever cast for a presidential ticket in the history of this nation.” Joe Biden spoke.
“I pledge to be a president who seeks not to divide but unify. Who doesn’t see red states and blue states, only sees the United States.” Said Joe Biden.
Joe Biden said that the initial celebrations of his victory were “an outpouring of joy, hope, renewed faith that tomorrow will bring a better day.”
“If we can decide not to cooperate, then we can decide to cooperate. They want us to cooperate in their interest, and that’s the choice I’ll make. Our work begins with getting COVID under control”. Said Joe Biden, aiming to unify the population of the United States.

Joe Biden went on to lead the counting of votes in Georgia and Pennsylvania, with very narrow margins, reversing the initial advantage that Donald Trump has maintained since the beginning of the vote count.
When Donald Trump lost the lead in Michigan and Wisconsin, almost concomitantly, it was a harbinger that the election result, albeit at a slow pace, is heading for Joe Biden’s victory.
There is a logic to Joe Biden’s late reaction in counting votes in Georgia, Pennsylvania, Michigan and Wisconsin. The postal vote for the presidential election had a majority of voters likely to vote for Democrats. These votes are commonly counted by the latter.

Wisconsin state electoral law states that when there is a difference of less than or equal to 0.5%, between the first two candidates there will be a recount of the votes, with financial costs being paid by the State of Wisconsin.
When the difference between 0.51% and 1% the recount of the votes can be requested by the candidates. However, all financial costs to carry out the recount will be paid by the applicant applicant.
In Georgia, the state electoral law states that when the difference between the first two candidates to equal or less than 0.5%, a new vote count can be requested. And the financial cost of this recount of votes will be paid by the State of Georgia.
President Donald Trump has promised to take the decision of the presidential election winner to the United States Supreme Court. Trump wants the votes received by mail and counted after election day to be invalidated. The president also accuses Democrats of committing fraud in sending ballots. Trump claims that many votes received by the post office were sent by others who were not the actual voting owners.
President Donald Trump theoretically has a majority of United States Supreme Court ministers. Amy Coney Barrett’s choice and approval to serve on the Supreme Court strengthened a more conservative view of the Court.
However, obviously all judges vote according to their personal beliefs and any outcome or decision is absolutely unpredictable.
Even if Joe Biden to be elected the next president, in this election the great partisan division of the population between Republicans and Democrats was clear.

Uber and lyft face labor challenges that threaten the future survival of these new technology companies.
However, Uber and Lyft have good reason to celebrate. California voters approved Proposition 22, which allows these companies not to maintain employment links with passenger drivers.
This means that these tech companies will not have to extend the generous benefits of California’s labor law to drivers.

Proposal 22 states that the driver will be entitled to a minimum fare when transporting a passenger. And the driver may also be entitled to a health care benefit.
These benefits that Proposition 22 defines for workers will increase the operating costs of Uber Technologies Inc and Lyft Inc, however they will be much lower costs than the labor law establishes for the full-time workers of most traditional companies.
The financial relief for Uber and Lyft generated by the approval of Proposal 22 is valid only for California. But the new rules that regulate labor relations between these technological passenger transport companies and drivers may serve as an example and be adopted in other states.
Labor legislation in most countries is obsolete and, commonly, it conflicts with new new technological companies, from the most diverse segments.

Chinese stock market regulators called Jack Ma and other executives of the Ant Group to a meeting, with the aim of further investigating the IPO of simultaneous listing on the Shanghai and Hong Kong stock exchanges.
The Ant Group was separated from its controller and Chinese e-commerce giant, Alibaba. Since then, Grupo Ant, owner of Alipay, which is China’s most popular payment and loan application, has also become a giant financial company and has started to compete and annoy traditional banks.
But banking activity requires strict inspection, with the purpose of guaranteeing the solvency and credibility of the financial market. Each country in its own regulatory framework for the financial market.

Some laws that govern the banking market are international. The Basel Accord, which is also known as the International Convergence of Capital Measurement and Capital Standards, establishes common parameters of liquidity and accountability for the banking system in most countries.
And Chinese financial market regulators understand that Alipay has to be subject to the same rules and requirements that are made with traditional banks.
Alipay effectively operates similarly to traditional banks, since it provides loans and sells coexisting financial products and services in banks, which are offered by the largest Chinese banking institutions.
The Ant Group’s initial public offering was expected to be the largest IPO in history, surpassing the launch of shares in the Saudi Arabian Oil Company, also known as Saudi Aramco, which took place in 2019 and raised $25.6 billion.
The Ant Group has also partnered with major Chinese banks, acting as an intermediary between borrowers, including companies and individuals. Thus, Grupo Ant does not need to operate with its own capital.
In a statement to the market, Grupo Ant stated: “We will keep in close communications with the Shanghai Stock Exchange and relevant regulators, and wait for their further notice with respect to further developments of our offering and listing process.”
The suspension of the double listing of the company’s initial public offering poses an obstacle to Jack Ma’s ambitions to transform Grupo Ant into the largest financial intermediation and banking company in the world.

The COVID-19 coronavirus pandemic did not spare the Duke of Cambridge and heir to the royal crown, Prince William. The Duke of Cambridge chose not to disclose his period of convalescence from the disease, which occurred in April. This was the period of greatest turbulence in the United Kingdom, when the highest rates of daily infections were recorded.
Queen Elizabeth II’s speech that sought to reassure and motivate the population about the COVID-19 pandemic occurred a few days before Prince William was infected with the coronavirus. At the same time, Prince Charles and Prime Minister Boris Johson were diagnosed with the disease.
The period of convalescence from the illness of the Prince of Wales, Charles Philip Arthur George until his full recovery was two weeks. Charles opted for self-isolation and the restoration of his full health was relatively smooth, without any setbacks.

However, Prime Minister Boris Johnson’s state of health worsened and generated great concern among the UK’s top officials. Johnson was admitted to the ICU for three days and after staying for a week in the hospital, he fully recovered from the virus infection.
Prince William analyzed that a disclosure that the first two heirs in the line of succession to the royal throne were infected with the coronavirus could lead to widespread panic in the population, disrupting the United Kingdom’s effort to contain and eradicate the pandemic.